Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This may sound funny but before coming over here to Rome I wanted to blend in. I read up on how the Italians dressed/acted and asked my family (who has been over here a couple of times to visit other family members) some pointers. To pack I went through my closet and grabbed all of my dark clothes that were also mostly modest. I even went out to buy a few more clothing articles to help out "Operation Blend In". After doing more research I found out that a lot of women and men had their noses pierced so I was stoked that I had mine done and felt one up on my operation. I didn't want to stick out as a tourist because I didn't want people to be staring and gawking (let us admit it I know everyone has done this before at some point), and I still feel that way.

Before leaving for this trip my grandpa told me how hard it is to exactly grasp how old and beautiful buildings, statues and others things are. I listened to him but thought that when I would get to see them I would be able to “get” it, boy was I wrong. After just arriving in the city of Rome I was swept away and when my eyes first landed on the Coliseum I was in awe, and my jaw dropped and wouldn’t close for some time. After walking into the Coliseum and being able to tough it I couldn’t contain mu excitement. I started thinking how my grandpa was right and I couldn’t fathom how old and beautiful this place is. When I was inside I tried to picture the gladiators and animals battling it out and the crowd cheering in the stands. It is interesting to thing how things change so much over time, such as nowadays people go and watch soccer games instead of the gladiator’s battle here. The history is incredible here and I hope that as the weeks go on I will be able to soak up and appreciate it more.

I can only name one thing that I do not like about Italy and it is just the way some of the men make me feel and that is a disgusted and ticked off feeling. It isn't really the Italian men here but more of the illegals that try to sell you things. I hate rudeness and when men look at women like they are animals. The illegal immigrants that I have come across try to sell things are do so in a very rude way and sometimes I will watch them and just watch the way they get when a woman walks by which just ticks me off even more after witnessing their rudeness. I honestly would just like to take them and have Manners101 with them. They give off a bad reputation to Italy and they don't even belong here.

I really look forward to and am stoked to meet and talk to some of the citizens here. I can't express how bad I want to learn Italian so I can converse and not feel embarrassed when trying to talk to an Italian. Being here actually makes me want to learn history, which is a big thing to say because I have never been a fan of it and just have never been that interested in most of it all throughout my school years. Seeing the Coliseum and being able to appreciate a big piece of history like that really jump started my thirst for more history.


  1. Yeah, i know! Everything is so old here compared to the US. It's weird that new cities are incorporated with the ancient and that it has managed to last this long.

  2. I agree... You just never know the importance of things until you are actually standing there. I was blown away but then again I was not as in "awe" as I thought I was.
