Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Exhilarating Rome

Is Rome oppressive or exhilarating? To me this seems like a no brainer and without giving it a second thought I will say Rome is indeed exhilarating. The World English Dictionary has exhilarating as, “causing strong feelings of excitement and happiness,” and I feel that was way whenever stepping foot out of my dorm room and into the exciting and beautiful Rome. The people in Rome are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty 24/7.

When walking around Rome I feel as if I am traveling through time. All of the history that has taken places here it just remarkable and incredible. Rome is like a massive museum that never closes and is free to all. Everything I lay eyes on here I think should be preserved and put away into safe keeping, even some of the food looks to pretty to destroy by eating (i.e. some of the pastries and cakes are works of art themselves).

As I walk around and go on different tours of museums and parts of the city I try to soak it all in. It is starting to be harder to soak it all in and remember every detail because I have seen so much and am learning so much, and it is only the second week! I will say it again that my grandpa was right about not being able to comprehend and soak up all the history and how old everything really is. To think maybe in hundreds of years there will be people coming to the United States to try and understand and take in all of our history, and we will have been alive during the things they are learning about. I actually think that is pretty exciting. Such as 9/11, as bad as of a disaster that was I was alive in that big historical event for the United States and my great great great great grandchildren may not be able to get their heads around it.

I am getting more used to the gypsies and illegal immigrants. However, I do still find then horrifically rude. Also, “Operation Blend In” goes pretty well except when we are traveling as a class or need to purchase something. If I am just walking around though with a couple people I feel as if we are blending in better and don’t stick out has tourist. I am buying more clothes which I get pumped for after every purchase. There is just something about most Italian clothes that I find classy and fall in love with.


  1. Gemma, I agree with your position about the Gypsies and too find them to be rude and, for me, annoying. I too am finding a hard time soaking everything in especially on the days that we are being told so much history spanning over such a large period of time; sometimes it all jumbles together and gets hard to understand.

  2. Being here has definitly made me put a wall up! In public...when anyone touches me I automatically turn and look like I am going to punch them. I guess it has to do with the gypsies and all of the instances that we have heard about reguarding mugging. Its crazy to think when we go home how protective we are going to be of ourselves and belongings in public! I also hope that some day people will come to the United States for our "anicent history"....I am jealous of all the people who live here and there pride of their home country. I feel like not many people are so proud at home.

  3. Gypsies also make me very cautious of myself and belongings. It's uncomfortable knowing that one little mistake could cause something being stolen. We are so used to people at home and i feel as if we are too trusting. I am still not used to having caution for my belongings, but hopefully do notlearn the hard way.
